Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bryce-the Ultimate in Landscape Generation

Bryce 6 interface

For over a decade Bryce has provided electronic artists one of the finest landscape/terrain generation programs. The latest version (6.1) allows more flexibility in usage and some of the best quality renderings you could expect from a mid-range program. Within minutes you are able to create stunning landscapes, complete with foliage, imported 3d objects, 2d planes that support aplha channel graphics AND adjust lighting shadows from the alpha channel (a big plus)-there is just so much this package offers. You can rely on the installed textures, objects, lighting and sky settings or advance into any of these areas and give it your own settings. Web support for this program is enormous with literally thousands of sites online to help with tutorials, downloadable models, textures, etc. to give you endless possibilities for your ideas.
In the past Bryce was known pretty much for its terrain generation quality but with the added support of Daz models and animations your ability to make stunning landscapes with animated characters is so much easier.
Other features include real world lighting with IBL (image based lighting) support, MAC Intel compatible (another big plus), image based brushes for advanced terrain editing and mesh export of Boolean objects.
For those interested in test driving this program, both Bryce and Daz are available for free download with limited program capabilities (they want to entice you to buy full versions but allows you to get familiar with the interface) so visit their site and find out more about this truly remarkable program.